HARVEST ATLANTIC pretende identificar e trocar boas práticas e soluções sustentáveis baseadas na inovação, diversificação e marketing no domínio da economia e recursos marítimos, com o objectivo de melhorar a situação sócio-economica dos territórios litorais do Atlântico, através da cooperação transnacional. Especificamente, o projecto contribuirá para o reforço das capacidades competitivas e inovadoras de 4 sectores da economia marítima...

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Biotecnologia e Nutrição
(English) The biotechnology sector contains multiple subsectors, one of which is Marine Biotechnology. The Irish Marine Institute states that, “The Marine Board of the European Science Foundation (2010) refers specifically to Marine Biotechnology as [...]

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I&D+I em Técnicas de Navegação e Deslizamento
(English) The shipbuilding sector is completely globalised and it is defined as a synthesis industry that produces a singular product, rarely into serial production, with a high unitary value and a long [...]

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Indústria Haliêutica
(English) The definition of the seafood sector is not consensual and it might represent different The global seafood industry comprises different activities relating to the culturing, catching, preserving, processing, selling and distribution of fish or fishery products, as well as several different uses. Most of the seafood harvest is consumed by humans, but a significant proportion is used as fish food to farm other [...]

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Energia Marítima Verde
(English) The green maritime energy sector consists of offshore wind, wave and tidal devices that generate electricity for the National Grid in the United Kingdom. The location of the devices, such as wind turbines and floating wave buoys, is governed by the Crown Office who allocate sections of the seabed [...]

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  • (Español) El Observatorio de Economía Marítima del Atlántico (ATOME) pretende ser una herramienta eficiente que proporciona información actualizada, sobre y para las diferentes actividades […]

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Instituições Espaço Atlântico que compõem o projeto são: …

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O Observatório Atlântico da Economia Marítima (ATOME) tem como objetivo tornarse uma ferramenta […]

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