Mancomunidad de Municipios Sostenibles de Cantabria
Autoridad Local España
La Mancomunidad, en la actualidad se encuentra integrada por 17 municipios, que representan una población de derecho de 75.262 habitantes, lo cual corresponde prácticamente al 13% de la población total de la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria, y una superficie total de 412,03 Km2.
Los municipios que la integran se localizan en las siguientes cuatro zonas territoriales:
- Pas-Besaya: Suances, Polanco y Miengo.
- Trasmiera: Arnuero, Noja, Argoños, Santoña, Escalante, Bárcena de Cicero y Voto.
- Costa oriental: Colindres, Laredo y Liendo
- Asón: Ramales, Rasines, Ampuero y Limpias.
Universidad de Cantabria
Universidad España
La Universidad de Cantabria es una institución pública, joven y moderna, cuyo principal objetivo es contribuir al progreso social a través de su compromiso con la excelencia docente y científica. Para la consecución de sus fines, procura una mejora constante de la calidad de su trabajo, que se traduce en la aplicación de un proceso de revisión y mejora de toda su actividad docente, investigadora y administrativa. Esta exigencia constante le permite ser considerada como una de las diez mejores universidades del país por su calidad y productividad científica.
South West Regional Authority
Autoridad LocalIrlanda
There are 8 Regional Authorities in Ireland, which were established in 1994 under the Local Government Act 1991 (Regional Authorities) Establishment Order 1993.
The South West Regional Authority has twenty four elected representatives and has responsibility for strategic planning and the promotion of the coordinated delivery of public services in the region.
The Authority also advises the Irish Government on developmental issues, contributes to the preparation of the National Development Plan and other strategic matters.
It also has responsible for the monitoring of the European Community Support Framework, in this regard the Authority participates as a member of various monitoring committees in respect of the regional and national operational programmes.
The Regional Authority in 2004 adopted the Regional Planning Guidelines (RPG’s).
The RPG’s aim to give regional effect to the National Spatial Strategy and to guide the development plans for the region until 2020.
The RPG’s are now in process of review and will be re-issued by June 2010.
Cork Institute of Technology
Centro de InvestigaciónIrlanda
The Institute boasts many top class facilities including its award-winning Library & IT Building and its world class laboratories. CIT presently has four separate campuses. The main campus is located in Bishopstown and covers an area of approximately 80 acres. As well as the original RTC building, the campus consists of the Library & IT Building, Gymnasium, Astroturf pitch, running track and playing pitches. The campus also has numerous temporary buildings which house both administrative offices and classrooms. The new Administration Building, the Student Centre and the Tourism and Hospitality Building are the latest additions to the campus along with the Rubicon Centre which is an on-site business incubation centre. The NIMBUS Centre is adjacent to and attached to the Rubicon Centre. The NIMBUS Centre provides space for up to 80 researchers, including facilities for undergraduate project students, visiting postgraduate students and researchers from other institutions and dedicated industry visitor workstations, already in use, where company researchers can work in close collaboration with NIMBUS staff and use NIMBUS research facilities. NIMBUS is CIT’s first dedicated research centre and is intended not only to be a showcase for CIT’s research but also to demonstrate CIT’s ability to translate innovative research into economic benefit.
Glasgow Caledonian University
UniversidadReino Unido
Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) is a vibrant, innovative and multi-award winning university. Our focus on employability, leadership and responsibility enables our graduates to excel both locally and internationally. We carry forward a tradition of widening access for talented individuals regardless of their backgrounds.
GCU works very closely with private and public sectors and many of the companies we deal with are world leaders in their field. Our degree courses are designed to be career-focussed and drive innovation by harnessing the latest technologies and expertise. GCU strives to continuously strengthen our business relationships by offering:
- consultancy and customised training from GCU Business
- private, public and third sector industry support from the GCU Business Academies
- and by generating £444m for Scotland’s economy every year.
Universidade do Algarve – Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics
Centro de InvestigaciónPortugal
La Universidad de Algarve (UAlg) es una institución pública de educación superior ubicada en la región sur de Portugal. UAlg tiene cerca de 750 profesores permanentes y 450 investigadores, lo que demuestra un creciente compromiso hacia la I+D y la innovación. Cerca de 10.000 estudiantes participan en las actividades académicas, y alrededor de 2.000 son estudiantes de posgrado. Las principales áreas de investigación y docencia son: el Mar, Turismo, Alimentación, Salud y Bienestar, las Artes y el Patrimonio. El Centro para la Investigación sobre el Espacio y Organizaciones (CIEO) es una unidad de investigación responsable de la aplicación de HARVEST en Algarve. CIEO promueve la investigación fundamental y aplicada, con miras a la creación de un conocimiento científico transdisciplinar en la innovación, la sostenibilidad y la ordenación del territorio, la gestión estratégica, la iniciativa empresarial y recursos humanos.
Escuela de Ingenieros de la Rochelle-EIGSI
Centro de Investigación Francia